This talk discusses what defensive driving is and how to
drive defensively in order to stay safe on the road. The
information can apply to employees who drive as part
of their job or to those who merely commute to and
from work. It is not intended for commercial drivers.
Material to have on hand: Recent news story
about a traffic accident
Items for attendees to consider during
What is defensive driving?
How can defensive driving help you stay safe on the road?
Have you experienced a situation where defensive driving helped you avoid an accident?
Defensive driving is the idea that although you can’t
control the actions of other drivers, the hazards on the
road, or the weather conditions, you can reduce your
risk of accidents by driving in a way that anticipates
potential dangers and allows you time to avoid them.
In order to drive defensively, you must constantly
monitor the conditions on the road and the other
drivers around you. To do this successfully, you can’t be
distracted. Do not send or read text messages, talk on a
handheld cell phone, or otherwise try to manipulate
electronic devices while you’re behind the wheel.
Scan the road ahead of you for potential hazards, and
frequently check your rearview and side mirrors for
hazards approaching from behind. Hazards can range
from obstacles in the road to weather conditions to
drivers behaving unsafely. Remember that conditions
can change very suddenly.
For example, a child walking on a sidewalk could
suddenly run out into the road, or a driver ahead of you
may realize that he has missed a turn and may stop
without warning.
Also consider potential hazards common in your
surroundings. For example, in a city, you should be
particularly alert for pedestrians, while in a more rural
environment, you may need to watch out for wildlife
crossing the road. For each potential hazard you
identify, consider how you would respond. Would you
have time to stop? Could you safely steer around the
Be aware of when your visibility is compromised, and
adjust your speed accordingly. Your visibility can be
reduced by many conditions: Darkness, rain, snow, and
fog are just a few. If you can’t see around a curve ahead
of you or over the top of a hill, this is another situation
where you should reduce your speed to prepare for any
unexpected obstacles.
Do not rely solely on other drivers’ turn signals to know
their intentions. For example, if you are waiting to turn
onto a busy road, do not assume that it is safe to merge
in front of an oncoming vehicle just because its turn
signal is on. The driver may have left the signal on from
an earlier turn, or he or she may be planning to turn at a
different location than you anticipate. Similarly, people
often forget to use their turn signals, especially when
changing lanes. Be alert for drivers who swerve or turn
without warning.
Remember—you can’t control the hazards on the road,
but if you drive defensively, you’ll have a better chance
of coming home safely every night.